PRIMERGY ServerView Suite
PRIMERGY ServerView Suite
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
ServerView Operations Manager V4.90
81730 München
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ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Sprachen: En
Edition June 2009
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Configuring multisession support, SSH access and
Deleting/not deleting the console area on text console
redirection after the end of a session . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Starting the Remote Management Frontend via the
Starting the Remote Management Frontend via an
iRMC/ iRMC S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Starting Remote Management Frontend via an
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP(3HU) or a BMC . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the ServerView Remote Management
Frontend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Remote Management window for Remote Manager and
Console Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Remote Management window for text console redirection
and power management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Establishing a connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2,
RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3 HU) via Telnet/SSH (Remote Manager) . 42
Establishing a connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2/BMC for
power management and console redirection . . . . . . . . . . . 49
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
The ServerView Remote Management Frontend provides you with a web-based
working environment for the remote management of PRIMERGY servers which
is integrated in the ServerView Operations Manager. The ServerView Remote
Management Frontend is started from the ServerView Operations Manager and
the installation of this application is therefore a necessary precondition.
The ServerView Remote Management Frontend and the ServerView Opera-
tions Manager are referred to below as the Remote Management Frontend and
the Operations Manager respectively.
You simply need a standard web browser for the display at the remote
workstation. You can open a separate browser window for each PRIMERGY
server displayed in the Operations Manager ServerList window. From here, you
can then open various windows for the remote management of the corre-
sponding PRIMERGY server.
As a web-based solution, the Remote Management Frontend can be installed
on a remote workstation set up under a Windows or Linux system.
In the case of an individual PRIMERGY server with installed
iRMC/ iRMC S2, you can also use the Remote Management Frontend
functionality via this iRMC/ iRMC S2's web interface (See the manuals
“iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 -
integrated Remote Management Controller”).
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
The type of window displayed in the Remote Management Frontend depends,
on the one hand, on the hardware (iRMC, RSB etc.) which you use to establish
the connection to the managed server and, on the other, on the interface which
is provided in each case.
Hardware-specific displays in the Remote Management Frontend
The Remote Management Frontend's displays and controls are adapted to the
remote hardware via which you establish the connection to a managed
PRIMERGY server:
In the case of a PRIMERGY server with an installed iRMC or iRMC S2, you
can use either the Telnet/SSH “Remote Manager” application or the
managed server's power management and console redirection window in
the Remote Management Frontend's console area.
In the case of a PRIMERGY server with an installed RSB or RSB S2/
RSB S2 LP (as of firmware version, the Telnet “Remote
Manager” application is available to you in the Remote Management
Frontend's console area once a connection has been established.
Only in the case of RSB:
You can use the Remote Manager to redirect the display at the console of
the managed server. In this way, you can access the BIOS setup and the
RemoteView/Diagnose system tools on the managed server.
In the case of a PRIMERGY server with an installed BMC with firmware
version 2.x or higher, the managed server's power management and
console redirection window is available in the Remote Management
Frontend's console area after the establishment of a connection.
In the case of a blade server with a RemoteView Management Blade, the
RemoteView Management Blade Telnet “Console Menu” application is
available to you in the Remote Management Frontend's console area after
the establishment of a connection. You can use the Console Menu to redirect
the display at the consoles of the managed server blades. In this way, you
can access the BIOS setup at the managed server blade.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
The interface provided by the Remote Management Frontend for the
remote management of PRIMERGY servers:
Depending on the hardware available for remote management on the individual
managed servers, the Remote Management Frontend provides the following
interfaces for web-based access to the managed servers.
Telnet-based interface (Remote Manager)
Depending on the managed PRIMERGY server, the connection may be
established via
an iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
an RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) with firmware version or
Telnet-based interface (Console Menu) via a RemoteView Management
SSH-based interface (Remote Manager) via an iRMC/ iRMC S2.
Interface for power management and console redirection (IPMI (1.5)-over-
LAN-based) via a Kalypso BMC (BMC - firmware version 2.x or higher)
Interface for power management (IPMI (2.0)-over-LAN-based) and console
redirection (via SOL) via
an iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
a BMC of the RX/TX 600 S2/S3
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Structure of the manual
Structure of the manual
This manual provides you with information about the following topics:
Chapter 1: Preface
This chapter provides you with a brief overview of the Remote Management
Chapter 2: Configuration
This chapter describes how you can configure the basic settings of the
Remote Management Frontend depending on your requirements.
Chapter 3: Starting the Remote Management Frontend
This chapter describes how you start the Remote Management Frontend via
the graphical user interface of the Operations Manager, the prerequisites
that must be fulfilled and the special requirements that exist depending on
the remote management hardware used in the managed server.
Chapter 4: Working with the Remote Management Frontend
This chapter starts by explaining the structure and components of the
Remote Management Frontend user interface. It then describes how you
establish a connection to a managed server via the Remote Management
Frontend's user interface.
Chapter 5: Security
This chapter provides a brief overview of password protection in the
Operations Manager and in the remote management hardware.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Notational conventions
Notational conventions
The meanings of the symbols used in this manual are as follows:
This symbol is used to draw attention to risks which
may represent a health hazard or which may lead
to data loss or damage to the hardware.
This symbol is used to highlight important infor-
mation and tips.
This symbol indicates an action which you must
carry out.
Text in italics
In running text, commands, menu items, and the
names of buttons, options, files and paths are
shown in italics.
Indicates variables which must be replaced by
current values.
Monospaced font
Output from the system is shown in monospaced
Monospaced font
Commands to be entered at the keyboard are
Bold monospaced font shown in bold, monospaced font.
[square brackets]
Indicate optional entries.
Indicate a list of alternatives separated by “|”.
[Keyboard] [symbols]
Keys are shown as they appear on the keyboard. If
uppercase characters are to be entered explicitly,
this is indicated for instance by [SHIFT] - [A] for A.
If two keys are to be pressed simultaneously, this
is indicated by a hyphen between the two keyboard
Table 1: Notational conventions
If reference is made to passages elsewhere in this manual, the title of the
chapter or section is named and the page number given refers to the start of the
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Configuring the Remote
Management Frontend
You can use configuration files to make the following settings for the Remote
Management Frontend:
Multisession support for power management and console redirection via
BMC/ iRMC/ iRMC S2 and display of the buttons for SSH access
(iRMC/ iRMC S2) and power management/console redirection
(iRMC/ iRMC S2) in the Operations Manager.
Deletion/non-deletion of the console area on text console redirection after
termination of a console redirection session.
Configuring multisession support, SSH
access and console redirection
The following versions of the Operations Manager and the Remote
Management Frontend must be present before you can configure the
Remote Management Frontend settings described in this section:
Operations Manager V4.90 or higher
Remote Management Frontend V4.90 or higher
When you install the Remote Management Frontend, a folder named Features is
automatically created in the directory
<SV-installation-directory>\ ServerView\ServerViewServices\ wwwroot\ RemoteView.
In this folder, you can configure whether the following Remote Management
Frontend features are made available:
Multisession support for BMC/ iRMC/ iRMC S2
For each managed PRIMERGY server with iRMC/ iRMC S2 or BMC, it is
also possible to open a browser window for power management and console
redirection via iRMC/ iRMC S2 or BMC.
Default value: Multisession support for BMC/ iRMC/ iRMC S2 is activated.
Multisession support is always activated for the other interfaces made
available by the Remote Management Frontend.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Installation and configuration
SSH access to the iRMC/ iRMC S2:
In the ServerView [server-name] window for PRIMERGY servers with
iRMC/ iRMC S2, the iRMC SSH button for SSH access to the
Default value: The iRMC SSH button is displayed.
Console redirection (SOL) and power management for PRIMERGY
servers with iRMC/ iRMC S2:
The corresponding button (iRMC Power Management) is displayed in the
Default value: The iRMC Power Management button for console redirection
(SOL) and power management is not displayed.
Configuring settings in the “Features” folder
You can activate or deactivate the individual features (multisession support,
display of certain buttons) by creating or deleting the corresponding text files in
the Features folder. The content of the text files is irrelevant, i.e. the files can be
The following fixed names must be used for the text files:
Multisession support for BMC/ iRMC/ iRMC S2 power management and
console redirection is activated.
The button for SSH access to iRMC/ iRMC S2 is displayed for
PRIMERGY servers with iRMC/ iRMC S2.
The button for console redirection (SOL) and power management is
I displayed for PRIMERGY servers with iRMC/ iRMC S2.
Please note:
The file names are not case-sensitive.
The file names must not have any name suffix (.txt).
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Installation and configuration
Deleting/not deleting the console area on
text console redirection after the end of a
When console redirection is performed, the content of the console area is
deleted by default following termination of the console redirection session. If the
content of the console area is to be retained after the end of the session then
you must configure this as follows:
Depending on the server, open the following files:
For servers using Kalypso BMC:
<SV-installation-directory>\ ServerView\ServerView Services\
wwwroot\ RemoteView\ appbmc.conf
For servers of the type RX/TX600 S1/S2 and servers with
iRMC S1/ iRMC S2:
<SV-installation-directory>\ ServerView\ServerView Services\
wwwroot\ RemoteView\ appbmcl.conf
Set the option Terminal.clearOnOffline to “false”.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Starting the Remote Management
This chapter describes:
the requirements that must be fulfilled in order to start the Remote
Management Frontend via the Operations Manager.
how you start the Remote Management Frontend via the Operations
Manager and what you need to take account of depending on the status and
remote management hardware of the managed server.
You start the Remote Management Frontend via the graphical user interface of
the Operations Manager.
The Remote Management Frontend is not listed in the Start menu.
In the case of a PRIMERGY server with installed iRMC/ iRMC S2, you
can also call the Remote Management Frontend functionality for this
server via the corresponding links in the iRMC/ iRMC S2's web interface
(see the manuals “iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller”
and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management Controller”).
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Starting the Remote Management Frontend
Before you can start the Remote Management Frontend and establish a
connection to the managed server, a number of requirements must fulfilled both
at the managed server and at the remote workstation.
3.1.1 Requirements at the managed server
Depending on whether the Remote Management Frontend accesses the
managed server via an iRMC/ iRMC S2, an RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP, a BMC
or a RemoteView Management Blade, the following requirements must be
fulfilled at the managed server:
Both the iRMC/ iRMC S2's LAN interface and text console redirection (via
Serial Over LAN) must be configured.
Text console redirection via Serial over LAN (SOL) assumes that the
operating system and/or the BIOS use serial port 1 (COM1) for text
console redirection.
For detailed information, see the manuals “iRMC - integrated Remote
Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management
Access via the Remote Management Frontend to an
RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) is only possible if the
RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) is operated with firmware version
*29 or higher.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Starting the Remote Management Frontend
The management port of the RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) on the managed
server should be configured to the default value 3172.
Since the Operations Manager does not know the management port
value, the Remote Management Frontend works with the default
Since a connection is not automatically established when the Remote
Management Frontend is started, you can correct any nonstandard
value for the management port after the Remote Management
Frontend has been started.
The BMC must be configured for an IPMI-over-LAN connection and console
RemoteView Management Blade
The management port of the RemoteView Management Blade on the
managed server should be configured to the default value 3172.
Since the Operations Manager does not know the management port
value, the Remote Management Frontend works with the default
Since a connection is not automatically established when the Remote
Management Frontend is started, you can correct any nonstandard
value for the management port after the Remote Management
Frontend has been started.
3.1.2 Requirements at the remote workstation
The following must be enabled in the web browser:
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
Starting the Remote Management Frontend
via the Operations Manager
You start the Remote Management Frontend via the graphical user interface of
the Operations Manager.
Proceed as follows:
Start the Operations Manager
(see the manual “ServerView Operations Manager”).
The main page of the Operations Manager opens:
Figure 1: ServerView Operations Manager: Start page
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
On the main page of the Operations Manager, click the link ServerList under
the entry “ServerList”.
Figure 2: Operations Manager: “Server List” window
Access to the Remote Management Frontend varies depending on the Remote
Management hardware that is present at the server:
For managed servers with iRMC/ iRMC S2:
Access via the Operations Manager window (see section “Starting the
For managed servers with RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) and/or BMC:
Access via the Operations Manager window (see section “Starting Remote
For managed blade servers (
) with RemoteView Management Blade:
Access via the Blade Server View window (see section “Starting Remote
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
3.2.1 Starting the Remote Management Frontend via an
Proceed as follows:
server which you want to manage with the Remote Management Frontend:
If the server can be managed via the Operations Manager (status
icon for example ), then the ServerView [server-name] window opens
If the server cannot be managed via the Operations Manager but can be
accessed via the secondary channel (BMC mode, status icon
), then
Figure 3: Operations Manager: “ServerList” window (server can be managed / cannot
be managed)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Starting the Remote Management Frontend for manageable servers
If the server can be managed via the Operations Manager then clicking the
ServerView [server-name] window:
Figure 4: ServerView Operations Manager: ServerView [server-name] window
Under Information/Operation, click Maintenance - Remote Management to go to
the Remote Management view.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
Figure 5: Operations Manager: Remote Management view (server can be managed)
The remote management buttons (2) are only displayed if, in the
Displayed Data: box, display of the online data (Online Data) (1) has been
If the display of the archive data has been set (Archive Data) then the
I buttons are not displayed.
ration). By default, the iRMC Power Management button is not displayed.
For detailed information on configuring the buttons, see section “Config-
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
You can click on one of the displayed buttons (except for iRMC Web) to start the
Remote Management Frontend. The corresponding Remote Management
Frontend user interface (Remote Management window) is then displayed. The
structure and controls of the Remote Management window are described in
iRMC Telnet
Clicking the iRMC Telnet button opens the Remote Management window for
secure Telnet connection to the managed server via iRMC/ iRMC S2
Clicking the iRMC SSH button opens the Remote Management window for
SSH connection to the managed server via iRMC/ iRMC S2 (see
page 42).
iRMC Power Management
Clicking the iRMC Power Management button opens the managed server's
Remote Management window for text console redirection and power
iRMC Web
Clicking the iRMC Web button starts the iRMC/ iRMC S2 web interface
(see the manuals “iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller”
and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management Controller”).
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
Starting Remote Management Frontend for servers in BMC mode
If the server cannot be managed via the Operations Manager then clicking the
opens the following Remote Management view:
Figure 6: Operations Manager: Remote Management view (server cannot be managed)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
3.2.2 Starting Remote Management Frontend via an
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP(3HU) or a BMC
Proceed as follows:
server which you want to manage with the Remote Management Frontend:
If the server can be managed via the Operations Manager (e.g. status
page 26).
If the server cannot be managed via the Operations Manager but can be
accessed via the secondary channel (RSB mode or BMC mode, status
page 29.)
Figure 7: Operations Manager: “Server List” window (server can be managed / cannot
be managed)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
Starting the Remote Management Frontend for manageable servers
If the server can be managed via the Operations Manager then clicking the
ServerView [server-name] window:
Figure 8: Operations Manager: ServerView [server-name] window
Under Information/Operation, click Maintenance - Remote Management to go to
the Remote Management view.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Figure 9: Operations Manager: Remote Management view (server can be managed)
The remote management buttons are only displayed if, in the Displayed
Data: box, the display of the current data (Online Data) has been set (1).
If the display of the archive data has been set (Archive Data) then the
I buttons are not displayed.
PRIMERGY server which contains both a BMC and an RSB S2 LP.
In the case of PRIMERGY servers which possess only an
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) but no BMC, only the buttons RSB
Telnet and RSB Manager are available. (2)
In the case of PRIMERGY servers which possess only a BMC but no
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU), only the BMC Power Management
button is available. (3)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
You can click on one of the displayed buttons (except for RSB Manager) to start
the Remote Management Frontend. The corresponding Remote Management
Frontend user interface (Remote Management window) is then displayed. The
structure and controls of the Remote Management window are described in
RSB Telnet
Clicking the RSB Telnet button opens the Remote Management window for
secure Telnet connection to the managed server via RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB
RSB Manager
Clicking the RSB Manager button starts the web interface of the
BMC Power Management
Clicking the BMC Power Management button opens the managed server's
Remote Management window for text console redirection and power
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Starting the Remote Management Frontend for servers in
RSB mode/BMC mode
If the server cannot be managed via the Operations Manager then clicking the
opens the following Remote Management view:
Figure 10: Operations Manager: Remote Management view (server cannot be managed)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
Remote Management Frontend
3.2.3 Starting Remote Management Frontend via a
RemoteView Management Blade
Proceed as follows:
blade server (
) that you want to manage with the Remote Management
The Blade Server View [server-name] window opens:
Figure 11: Operations Manager: Blade Server View [server-name] window
Under Information/Operation, choose
Maintenance - Remote Management Telnet to start the Remote Management
The Remote Management Telnet-Link is only activated if, in the
Displayed Data: box, display of the online data (Online Data) (1) has
been set. If the display of the archive data has been set (Archive Data)
then the Remote Management Telnet-Link is not activated.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote Management Frontend
... starting via the Operations Manager
It is only possible to establish a Telnet/SSL connection to a
RemoteView Management Blade with a firmware version less than
S3 if the Remote Management Frontend is installed on a Windows
system and the web browser is also running on a Windows system.
The Remote Management Frontend and the web browser can run on
different Windows systems.
This restriction does not apply to Management Blades S3.
The Remote Management window for the Console Menu application is opened
blade server via RemoteView Management Blade. For more information,
see the manual “PRIMERGY BX Blade Server Systems - RemoteView
Management Blade”.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the ServerView
Remote Management Frontend
This chapter describes:
The structure of the Remote Management Frontend user interface and the
components which are displayed when the Remote Management Frontend
is started via the Operations Manager.
The procedure for establishing a connection to the managed server via the
Remote Management Frontend interface.
The Remote Management Frontend user
The Remote Management Frontend user interface (Remote Management
window) is displayed in a browser window without a menu bar.
There are two variants of the Remote Management window:
Variant for the Remote Manager and Console Menu application:
The Remote Manager is an alphanumeric user interface for the remote
management of PRIMERGY servers with iRMC/ iRMC S2 or RSB/ RSB S2/
RSB S2 LP (3HU).
The Console Menu application is an alphanumeric user interface for the
remote management of blade servers with RemoteView Management
Variant for text console redirection and power management of the managed
server via iRMC/ iRMC S2 or BMC.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
4.1.1 Remote Management window for Remote Manager
and Console Menu
The following section describes the components of the Remote Management
window for the Remote Manager (iRMC/ iRMC S2, RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP
(3HU)) and the Console Menu application (RemoteView Management Blade).
The structure of the Remote Management window is identical for the Telnet
and SSH-based Remote Manager and for the Console Menu application.
The only differences relate to the displayed port numbers: 3172 (Telnet
port) and 22 (SSH port, only for a connection to iRMC/ iRMC S2).
Online help
Connection bar
Console area
Status bar
Figure 12: Remote Management window for Remote Manager and Console Menu application
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Online help
To call the Remote Management Frontend help function, click HELP.
The Remote Management Frontend help function provides you with detailed
information on:
An overview containing introductory information
Remote Management
Information on Telnet/SSH-based remote management
Version information relating to Remote Management Frontend
Connection bar
The Remote Management Frontend connection bar contains the following
displays and controls:
IP Address
IP address of the iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade.
The Remote Management Frontend takes over the IP
address from the Operations Manager. You can
overwrite the IP address. You can enter up to
20 characters.
Management Port
Management Port of the iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade.
The Remote Management Frontend cannot take over
the Management Port from the Operations Manager.
The default setting is 3172 (for Telnet connections) or
22 (for SSH connections).
You can overwrite the management port. You can enter
up to 4 characters.
This button allows you to start a connection to the
iRMC/ iRMC S2 or RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
Table 2: Remote Management window (Remote Manager) - connection bar
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
You click this button to terminate a connection to the
iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade.
You can use the Connect and Disconnect buttons
to terminate and re-establish the connection to
the managed server as often as you want
without having to leave the window.
Table 2: Remote Management window (Remote Manager) - connection bar
Console area
Once you have established a connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2 or RSB/ RSB
corresponding Telnet application is opened in the console area:
for iRMC/ iRMC S2: Remote Manager (Telnet / SSH)
(see the manuals “iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller” and
“iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management Controller”).
for RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU): Remote Manager (Telnet).
for a RemoteView Management Blade: Console Menu application.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Status bar
The Remote Management Frontend status bar contains the following displays
and controls:
Connected to <IP
<management port>
A left-aligned string indicates the status of the
connection, the IP address and the port number of the
iRMC/ iRMC S2 or RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
the RemoteView Management Blade.
<connection status>
A right-aligned string indicates the status of the
offline (on a red background)
online (on a green background)
online SSL (on a green background)
indicates an SSL Telnet connection
online SSH (on a green background)
indicates an SSL connection
Table 3: RemoteView Frontend window (Remote Manager) - status bar
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
4.1.2 Remote Management window for text console
redirection and power management
The components of the Remote Management window for text console redirection
and power management via iRMC/ iRMC S2 or BMC are described below.
Online help
Console redirection bar Status bar
Console area
Power management bar
Connection bar
Figure 13: Window for power management and text console redirection
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Online help
To call the Remote Management Frontend help function, click HELP.
The Remote Management Frontend help function provides you with detailed
information on:
An overview containing introductory information
Remote Management
Information on Telnet/SSH-based remote management
Version information relating to Remote Management Frontend
Connection bar
The Remote Management Frontend connection bar contains the following
displays and controls:
BMC (FW: <Version>) Display of the status of the connection to the
The display has a colored background:
There is no connection to an
There is a connection to an
If a connection has been successfully established then
the firmware version of the connected iRMC/
iRMC S2/BMC is also displayed.
IP Address
IP address of the iRMC/ iRMC S2/BMC.
The Remote Management Frontend takes over the IP
address from the Operations Manager. Once a
connection is established, this box becomes inactive.
You click this button to start a connection to the
Table 4: Remote Management window - connection bar
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
You click this button to terminate a connection to the
You can use the Logon and Logoff buttons to
terminate and re-establish the connection to the
managed server as often as you want without
having to leave the window.
Table 4: Remote Management window - connection bar
Console area
The console area contains the display from the redirected console. In the
console area, you can also enter SAC commands if a Windows system with an
activated Emergency Management Services (EMS) is booted.
Console redirection bar
You use the Enter Console and Leave Console buttons in the console redirection
bar to start or terminate a console redirection session.
Status bar
The Remote Management Frontend status bar contains the following displays
and controls:
Connected / Not
A left-aligned string indicates whether or not a
connection exists.
<connection status>
A right-aligned string indicates the status of the console
offline (on a red background)
online (on a green background)
Table 5: RemoteView Frontend window - status bar
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
User interfaces
Power management bar
The power management bar provides information on the power status of the
managed server. You can update the display by clicking the Status button.
The Command drop-down list allows you to select and run the following IPMI
commands for power management of the managed server.
IPMI command
Power On
Power Off
Switches the server on.
Switches the server off.
Completely restarts the server (cold start), regardless of the status of the
operating system.
Power Cycle
Powers the server down completely and then powers it up again after
approximately 5 seconds.
Graceful shutdown and power off.
You can also use the Command drop-down list to start the power
management of the managed server even if no console redirection
session is active.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Establishing a connection to the managed
This section describes how you establish the connection to the managed server
both in the Remote Management window for the Remote Manager and in the
Remote Management window for console redirection and power management.
4.2.1 Establishing a connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2,
RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3 HU) via Telnet/SSH (Remote
The Remote Management Frontend takes over the IP address of the
iRMC/ iRMC S2, RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) / RemoteView
Management Blade from the Operations Manager.
The use of Remote Manager for the iRMC/ iRMC S2 is described in the manuals
“iRMC - integrated Remote Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 - integrated
Remote Management Controller”.
Requirements at a managed server with iRMC/ iRMC S2
Access via Telnet must be enabled for the iRMC/ iRMC S2 (see manuals “iRMC
- integrated Remote Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 - integrated
Remote Management Controller”).
Access via the Telnet protocol is deactivated by default for security
I reasons, as passwords are transmitted in plain text.
Maximum number of parallel Telnet/SSH sessions in the case of
connection via an iRMC/ iRMC S2:
Telnet: up to 4
SSH: up to 2
Telnet and SSH in total: up to 4
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Requirements at a managed server with RSB S2 /RSB S2 LP (3 HU)
The framework vehicle of the RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) must be
or higher.
Access via Telnet must be activated via RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU).
Since the Operations Manager does not know the management port
value, the Remote Management Frontend works with the default
Since a connection is not automatically established when the Remote
Management Frontend is started, you can correct any nonstandard
value for the management port after the Remote Management
Frontend has been started.
Maximum number of parallel Telnet sessions for a connection via an RSB
S2/ RSB S2 LP (3 HU) (with firmware version 7.0 or higher): maximum 4
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Establishing a Telnet/SSH connection and logging into the Remote
The example below describes the establishment of Telnet/SSH
connection to the managed PRIMERGY server via an iRMC/ iRMC S2.
The establishment of a Telnet connection to a PRIMERGY server via an
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) is very similar.
Proceed as follows:
In the Operations Manager Remote Management view, click the iRMC Telnet or
iRMC SSH button:
Figure 14: Operations Manager: Remote Management view - starting Remote Manager
The Java applet for the Telnet or SSH connection is started and the Remote
Management window is displayed (here we use the example of an SSH
If the screen displays for SSH and Telnet connections differ only with
respect to the connection-specific information displayed, the display
for an SSH connection is shown below.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
In the connection bar, click Connect.
If the connection attempt fails, then this may be due to the fact that
the management port number at the managed machine is not 3172
(Telnet) or 22 (SSH).
The management port number is not known to the Operations
Manager and the Remote Management Frontend therefore uses the
default value (3172 for Telnet connections or 22 for SSH connec-
As soon as the connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2 has been established, you
are requested to enter the user name and password.
Logging into the Remote Manager over an SSH connection
If the host key of the managed server is not yet registered at the
remote workstation, the SSH client issues a security alert with
suggestions on how to proceed.
The following login window is displayed:
Figure 16: SSH connection: Logging in to the Remote Manager
Enter your user name and password and confirm your entries by
clicking Login.
The main menu of the Remote Manager is then displayed (see
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Logging into the Remote Manager over a Telnet connection
The Remote Manager login window is displayed:
Figure 17: Telnet connection: Logging in to the Remote Manager
Depending on whether ServerView agents have already been
started at some point on the system, the login window is shown
with or without system information.
Enter your user name and password and confirm your entries by
pressing [Enter].
The main menu of the Remote Manager is then displayed (see
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Figure 18: Main menu of the Remote Manager
Closing a Telnet/SSH connection
Close the connection to the Remote Manager by clicking the Disconnect
button in the connection bar of the Remote Management window or by
pressing the [0] key in the main menu of the Remote Manager (see
The window remains open after the connection has been closed.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
4.2.2 Establishing a connection to the
iRMC/ iRMC S2/BMC for power management and
console redirection
The example below illustrates the establishment of a connection to an
iRMC/ iRMC S2 which permits power management and console
redirection for the managed server. A connection to a BMC is established
in a very similar way.
Proceed as follows:
In the Operation Manager Remote Management view, click the iRMC Power
Management button.
Figure 19: Operations Manager: Remote Management view -
Starting power management and console redirection
The Java applet for power management and console redirection is started
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Figure 20: Logging on to the iRMC/ iRMC S2
Click the Logon button to log in to the iRMC/ iRMC S2.
You are then prompted to enter your iRMC/ iRMC S2 user name and
Figure 21: Power management and text console redirection - Login window
Enter your user name and password and click Login to confirm.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
The window for power management and text console redirection is then
Figure 22: Window for power management and text console redirection
The connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2 is established and the commands for
the power management of the managed server can be activated (1).
However, the server console is still offline (2).
Click Enter Console to start the console redirection session.
If you access the managed server via a Kalypso BMC, you will be
asked (by the Kalypso BMC's Telnet server) to enter your user name
and password again in order to start the console redirection session.
You are then connected to the console and can execute the required
command, either by entering it directly in the console area or by clicking it in
the Command drop-down list (IPMI commands only):
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Connection to server
Working with the Remote Management Frontend
Enter SAS or IPMI command directly.
(No confirmation prompt!)
Select IPMI command and
Figure 23: Entering SAC or IPMI commands at the console.
To close the connection to the console, click Leave Console.
To close the connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2, click Logoff.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Password protection
To prevent unauthorized remote access to a server, the PRIMERGY ServerView
Suite possesses password protection mechanisms. There are two types of
password that you need for the Remote Management Frontend:
Password for the ServerView Web server
Passwords for the remote hardware
Password for the ServerView Web server
To log on at the ServerView web server, you need the Operations Manager user
password (see manual “PRIMERGY ServerView Suite ServerView Operations
Manager Installation”).
Passwords for the remote hardware:
You may need the following passwords depending on the remote hardware you
are using:
iRMC/ iRMC S2 passwords
You can define multiple user identifications, each with individual passwords
and rights for each iRMC/ iRMC S2 (see the manuals “iRMC - integrated
Remote Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote
Management Controller”).
RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP passwords
You can define multiple user identifications, each with individual passwords
and rights for each RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP.
RSB passwords
For each RSB you can define multiple user identifications, each with
individual passwords and rights.
RemoteView Management Blade passwords
For each RemoteView Management Blade you can define multiple user
identifications, each with individual passwords and rights.
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
Remote IPMI passwords
For each BMC you can define multiple user identifications, each with
individual passwords.
Console redirection
Kalypso BMC:
The Telnet packages sent from the ServerView Remote Management
Frontend are packaged in RMCP data packages.
The BMC replies with Telnet data packages.
iRMC/ iRMC S2, BMC of RX/TX600 S2/S3
Console redirection is encrypted and takes place Serial Over LAN (SOL)
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
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ServerView Remote Management Frontend
via iRMC/BMC for power
management and console
redirection 49
configuration file
MultiSessionBMC 12
automatic deletion of console area
on end of text console
redirection 13
hardware-specific displays
display of iRMC SSH, iRMC Power
multisession support (BMC/
iRMC) 11
power management (via
iRMC) 12
ServerView Remote Management
interfaces for remote management
multisession support (BMC/
iRMC) 11
MultiSessionBMC 12
Frontend 11
console area
automatic deletion on end of text
security 54
display of buttons (iRMC SSH, iRMC
Power Management)
configuring 12
remote management
Remote Management Frontend
hardware-specific displays
interfaces for remote
starting via the Operations
Manager 18
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
for Remote Manager and Console
Menu 34
for text console redirection and
ServerView Remote Management
Frontend via RemoteView
ServerView Remote Management
Frontend via RSB /RSB
S2 25
starting ServerView Remote
Management Frontend
requirements at the managed
server 16
security 53
working with the ServerView
Remote Management
Frontend 53
structure of the manual
ServerView Remote Management
configuring 11
security 53
user interface
ServerView Remote Management
Frontend 33
user interface, see also
starting 15
starting via RemoteView
working with the ServerView Remote
ServerView Remote Management
Management window
ServerView Remote Management
Management Frontend
ServerView Remote Management
Frontend 15
ServerView Remote Management
Frontend (requirements at the
ServerView Remote Management
ServerView Remote Management Frontend
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