Silicon Laboratories F321DC User Manual

1. Handling Recommendations  
To enable development, the ToolStick Base Adapter and daughter cards are distributed without any protective  
plastics. To prevent damage to the devices and/or the host PC, please take into consideration the following  
recommendations when using the ToolStick:  
Never connect or disconnect a daughter card to or from the ToolStick Base Adapter while the Base Adapter is  
connected to a PC.  
Always connect and disconnect the ToolStick Base Adapter from the PC by holding the edges of the boards.  
Figure 1. Proper Method of Holding the ToolStick  
Avoid directly touching any of the other components.  
Figure 2. Improper Method of Holding the ToolStick  
Manipulate mechanical devices on the daughter cards, such as potentiometers, with care to prevent the Base  
Adapter or daughter card from accidentally dislodging from their sockets.  
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Copyright © 2008 by Silicon Laboratories  
4. Getting Started  
The necessary software to download, debug and communicate with the target microcontroller must be downloaded  
from The following software is necessary to build a project, download code to, and  
communicate with the target microcontroller:  
Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  
Keil Demonstration Tools  
ToolStick Terminal application  
The Keil Demo Toolset includes a compiler, assembler, and linker. See Section “5.2.2. Keil Demonstration C51 C  
Compiler” for more details about the demo tools. ToolStick Terminal communicates with the target microcontroller's  
UART through the ToolStick Base Adapter. It can also read/write the two GPIO pins available on the ToolStick Base  
Other useful software that is provided on the Silicon Labs Downloads ( website  
Configuration Wizard 2  
Keil uVision2 and uVision3 Drivers  
The software described above is provided in several download packages. The ToolStick download package  
includes example code, documentation, including user’s guides and data sheets, and the ToolStick Terminal  
application. The IDE, Keil Demonstration Tools, Configuration Wizard 2, and the Keil µVision Drivers are available  
as separate downloads. After downloading and installing these packages, see the following sections for  
5. Software Overview  
5.1. Silicon Laboratories IDE  
The Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a source code editor, source-level debugger, and an in-system Flash  
programmer. See Section “6. ToolStick C8051F321 Daughter Card Features Demo” for detailed information on how  
to use the IDE. The Keil Demonstration Toolset includes a compiler, linker, and assembler and easily integrates  
into the IDE. The use of third-party compilers and assemblers is also supported.  
5.1.1. IDE System Requirements  
The Silicon Laboratories IDE requirements:  
Pentium-class host PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or newer.  
One available USB port.  
5.1.2. 3rd Party Toolsets  
The Silicon Laboratories IDE has native support for many 8051 compilers. The full list of natively supported tools is:  
Please note that the demo applications for the C8051F321 Daughter Card are written for the Keil toolset.  
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5.2. Keil Demonstration Toolset  
5.2.1. Keil Assembler and Linker  
The Keil demonstration toolset assembler and linker place no restrictions on code size.  
5.2.2. Keil Demonstration C51 C Compiler  
The evaluation version of the C51 compiler is the same as the full version with the following limitations:  
Maximum 4 kB code generation.  
There is no floating point library included.  
When initially installed, the C51 compiler is limited to a code size of 2 kB, and programs start at code address  
0x0800. Refer to “AN104: Integrating Keil Tools into the Silicon Labs IDE" for instructions to change the  
limitation to 4 kB and have the programs start at code address 0x0000.  
5.3. Configuration Wizard 2  
The Configuration Wizard 2 is a code generation tool for all of the Silicon Laboratories devices. Code is generated  
through the use of dialog boxes for each of the device's peripherals.  
Figure 4. Configuration Wizard 2 Utility  
The Configuration Wizard 2 utility helps accelerate development by automatically generating initialization source  
code to configure and enable the on-chip resources needed by most design projects. In just a few steps, the wizard  
creates complete startup code for a specific Silicon Laboratories MCU. The program is configurable to provide the  
output in C or assembly.  
For more information, please refer to the Configuration Wizard 2 documentation. The documentation and software  
available from the Downloads webpage (  
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5.4. Keil uVision2 and uVision3 Silicon Laboratories Drivers  
As an alternative to the Silicon Laboratories IDE, the uVision debug driver allows the Keil uVision2 and uVision3  
IDEs to communicate with Silicon Laboratories on-chip debug logic. In-system Flash memory programming  
integrated into the driver allows for rapidly updating target code. The uVision2 and uVision3 IDEs can be used to  
start and stop program execution, set breakpoints, check variables, inspect and modify memory contents, and  
single-step through programs running on the actual target hardware.  
For more information, please refer to the uVision driver documentation. The documentation and software are  
available from the Downloads webpage (  
5.5. ToolStick Terminal  
The ToolStick Terminal program provides the standard terminal interface to the target microcontroller's UART.  
However, instead of requiring the usual RS-232 and COM port connection, ToolStick Terminal uses the USB  
interface of the ToolStick Base Adapter to provide the same functionality.  
In addition to the standard terminal functions (send file, receive file, change baud rate), two GPIO pins on the target  
microcontroller can be controlled using the Terminal for either RTS/CTS handshaking or software-configurable  
purposes (see the demo software for an example).  
See Section "6.8. Using ToolStick Terminal‚" on page 12 for more information. The software is available on the  
ToolStick webpage (  
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6. ToolStick C8051F321 Daughter Card Features Demo  
The ToolStick kit includes a few simple code examples. The example described in this section is titled  
F321DC_FeaturesDemo. The purpose of this example is to guide a new user through the features and capabilities  
of the IDE and demonstrate the microcontroller’s on-chip debug capabilities. The F321DC_FeaturesDemo  
example code uses the potentiometer on the daughter card to vary the blinking rate of the LED. The first part of  
this demo shows how to use the IDE to connect and download the firmware, view and modify registers, use watch  
windows, use breakpoints, and single step through code. The second part of the demo shows how to use ToolStick  
Terminal to receive UART data from the daughter card and how to use the GPIO pins.  
6.1. Hardware Setup  
Connect the ToolStick hardware to the PC using the steps below while taking note of the recommendations in  
Section 1:  
1. Connect the ToolStick Base Adapter to the ToolStick C8051F321 Daughter Card.  
2. If available, connect the USB extension cable to the ToolStick Base Adapter.  
3. Connect the ToolStick to a USB port on a PC.  
See Figure 5 below for an example hardware setup using the C8051F330 ToolStick Daughter Card.  
Figure 5. Hardware Setup Example  
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6.2. Connecting to the Device and Downloading Firmware  
This section describes how to open the IDE, open and build a project, connect to a device and download the  
1. Open the Silicon Laboratories IDE from the Start Programs Silicon Laboratories menu.  
2. In the IDE, go to Project Open Project.  
3. Browse to the default location, C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Firmware\.  
4. Select F321DC_FeaturesDemo.wsp and click OK.  
5. In the IDE, select Project Rebuild Project.  
6. Go to Options Connection Options.  
7. Select USB Debug Adapter” for the Serial Adapter and “C2” for the Debug Interface, and then click “OK”.  
8. Go to Debug Connect.  
9. Download the code using the download button on the menu bar or use alt-D.  
Once these steps are completed, the firmware is built into an object file (step 5) and downloaded to the device  
(step 9). The device is now ready to begin executing code. If all of these steps were followed successfully, the “Go”  
option is enabled in the Debug menu. A green circle icon in the IDE toolbar also indicates that the device is ready  
to run. If one of the steps leads to an error, make sure that the ToolStick is properly inserted in a USB port and start  
again with step 6.  
6.3. Running and Stopping Code Execution  
Once the IDE is connected to the device and the firmware is loaded, the IDE can start and stop the code execution.  
The following steps can be performed using the buttons on the toolbar or using the options in the Debug menu.  
1. To start code execution, click the green “Go” button on the toolbar or use the Debug Go menu option. The  
green LED on the daughter card will start to flash. The debug commands in the IDE (single-step, multiple-step,  
set breakpoint, and others) are disabled when the device is running. While the firmware is running, the  
potentiometer on the daughter card can be turned to alter the blinking speed of the LED. The switch labeled S1  
can also be pressed to toggle the ADC on and off. When the ADC is off, the blink rate or brightness of the LED will  
not change.  
2. To stop code execution, click the red “Stop” button on the toolbar or use the Debug Stop menu option. The  
device will halt code execution and all of the registers and pins on the device will hold their state.  
All debug windows and watch windows are refreshed when the device is stopped. If any of the values in these  
windows have changed since the last time the device was halted, the new value is shown in red text instead of  
black text.  
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6.4. Viewing and Modifying Registers  
All registers on the device can be viewed and modified when the device is in a halted state. The registers are  
grouped together according to which peripheral or part of hardware they belong. As an example, this guide shows  
how to open the ADC0 Debug Window and disable the ADC0 directly from the IDE.  
1. Open the ADC0 Debug Window from the View Debug Windows SFR’s ADC0 menu option. The  
ADC0 Debug Window appears on the right-hand side of the IDE. In this window, the ADC0CN register is  
shown. This register is used to enable and configure the on-chip ADC. When the firmware is running, the  
ADC0CN register reads as 0x82 indicating that the ADC is running.  
2. In the debug window, change the value of ADC0CN from 0x82 to 0x02. This value turns off the ADC on the  
target microcontroller.  
3. To write this new value to the device, select Refresh from the Debug Menu or click the Refresh button in the  
4. Click Go” to resume running the device with the new ADC0CN value.  
5. Turn the potentiometer on the daughter card and notice that it has no effect on the blinking rate of the LED.  
6. Re-enable the ADC by writing 0x82 to the ADC0CN and clicking the Refresh button.  
Changing the values of registers does not require recompiling the code and redownloading the firmware. At any  
time, the device can be halted and the values of the registers can be changed. After selecting “Go”, the firmware  
will continue execution using the new values. This capability greatly speeds up the debugging process. See the  
data sheet for the C8051F32x device family for the definitions and usage for all registers.  
The debug windows for other sets of registers are found in the View Debug Windows SFR’s menu.  
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6.5. Enabling and Using Watch Windows  
The Debug Windows in the View menu are used to view and modify hardware registers. To view and modify  
variables in code, the IDE provides Watch Windows. Just as with register debug windows, variables in the watch  
windows are updated each time the device is halted. This section of the User’s Guide explains how to add a  
variable to the watch window and modify the variable. In the F321DC_FeaturesDemo example code, the variable  
Num_LED_Flashes is a counter that stores the number of times the LED blinks.  
1. If the device is running, stop execution using the “Stop” button or use the Debug Stop menu option.  
2. In the File View on the left-hand side of the IDE, double-click on F321DC_FeaturesDemo.c to open the source  
3. Scroll to the ADC0_ISR function and right-click on the variable “Num_LED_Flashes”. In the context menu that  
appears, select “Add Num_LED_Flashes to Watch” and then choose “Default.” On the right-hand portion of  
the IDE, the watch window appears and the variable is added. The current value of the variable is shown to the  
right of the name.  
4. Start and stop the device a few times. See that the value of the Num_LED_Flashes is incremented each time  
the LED blinks.  
5. When the device is halted, click on the value field in the watch window and change the value to 0. Then click the  
Refresh button or select Debug Refresh to write the new value to the device.  
6. Start and stop the device a few times to watch the variable increment starting at 0.  
Changing the values of variables does not require recompiling the code and redownloading the firmware. At any  
time, the device can be halted and the values of the variables can be changed. The firmware will continue  
execution using the new values.  
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6.6. Setting and Running to Breakpoints  
The Silicon Laboratories microcontroller devices support up to four hardware breakpoints. A breakpoint is  
associated with a specific line of code. When the processor reaches a hardware breakpoint, the code execution  
stops, and the IDE refreshes all debug and watch windows. The on-chip debug hardware allows for breakpoints to  
be placed on any line of executable code, including code in Interrupt Service Routines. This section provides steps  
to set a breakpoint on the line of source code that increments the Num_LED_Flashes variable.  
1. If the device is running, stop execution using the "Stop" button or use the DebugStop menu option.  
2. Scroll to the ADC0_ISR function and right-click on the variable "Num_LED_Flashes". In the context menu that  
appears, select "Insert/Remove Breakpoint." On the left side of the line in the editor window, a red circle is  
added to indicate a breakpoint is placed on the source line.  
3. Click the "Go" button or select the DebugGo menu option.  
4. After a short time, the IDE will show that the device is halted. A blue line will be placed in the editor window to  
indicate where the code execution has stopped.  
5. Start and stop the processor a few more times. Notice that the LED blinks once for every time the processor is  
started and the Num_LED_Flashes variable also increments by one.  
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6.7. Single-Stepping Through Firmware  
The IDE supports the ability to single-step through firmware one assembly instruction at a time. The IDE reads the  
Flash from the device, converts the instructions to assembly and displays them in a disassembly window. The  
following steps show how to open the disassembly window and single step through firmware.  
1. If there is already not a breakpoint set on line of code that increments the Num_LED_Flashes variable, set the  
breakpoint using the steps described in Section 6.6.  
2. Start the processor using the “Go” button and wait till it stops on the breakpoint.  
3. Select View Debug Windows Disassembly. The disassembly window will appear on the right-hand side  
of the IDE, if it is not already open.  
4. To execute one assembly instruction at a time, click the “Step” button on the toolbar or select the Debug →  
Step menu option. The highlighted line in the disassembly window indicates the next instruction to be executed.  
The blue line marker in the editor window will stay on the same .C source line until all of the assembly  
instructions are completed.  
The disassembly window has three columns. The left column is the address of the instruction in Flash. The middle  
column is the instruction in hex. The right column is the disassembled instruction. The Disassembly debug window  
and the capability to single-step through firmware allows a developer to see exactly what instructions are executed  
and their output.  
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6.8. Using ToolStick Terminal  
This section describes how to use ToolStick Terminal to communicate with UART from the PC to the daughter card  
through the ToolStick Base Adapter.  
1. If the Silicon Laboratories IDE is open, close the IDE. The IDE and the ToolStick Terminal cannot communicate  
with the daughter card simultaneously.  
2. Open ToolStick Terminal from the Start  
Silicon Laboratories menu.  
3. Go to the ToolStick Settings menu.  
4. Under “Pin Settings”, change GPIO0 / RTS to “GPIO Output - Push Pull” and click “OK.” The rest of the default  
settings are correct for the C8051F321 Features Demo.  
5. In the top, left-hand corner of the Terminal application, available devices are shown in the drop-down  
Connection menu. Click “Connect” to connect to the device. In the “Receive Data” window, text indicating the  
blink rate of the LED will appear.  
6. Turn the potentiometer on the daughter card and see that the blink rate is updated on the daughter card and the  
new blink rate is printed to the Terminal.  
In addition to the standard two UART pins (TX and RX), there are two GPIO/UART handshaking pins on the  
ToolStick Base Adapter that are connected to two port pins on the target microcontroller. ToolStick Terminal is used  
to configure and read/write these pins. For the F321DC_FeaturesDemo, one of these GPIO pins is connected to  
an external interrupt pin on the C8051F321. The following steps describe how to change the level of one of the  
GPIO pins and trigger an interrupt on the target microcontroller. The interrupt forces the firmware to switch modes  
and send a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal to the LED instead of blinking the LED using an on-chip Timer.  
1. In ToolStick Terminal, under Pin State Configuration, select “Set GPIO0 Logic Low” and click on “Set Selected  
Pin States.” This changes the level of the GPIO0 pin from Logic High to Logic Low and triggers a level-  
sensitive interrupt on the microcontroller.  
2. In the Receive window, see that the printed text has changed to indicate the LED PWM duty cycle.  
3. Turn the potentiometer on the daughter card to change the brightness of the LED on the daughter card.  
4. Change the GPIO0 pin state back to Logic High and notice that the firmware switches back to blinking the  
The firmware on the C8051F321 target microcontroller does not need to be customized to use the UART and  
communicate with ToolStick Terminal. The firmware on the microcontroller should write to the UART as it would in  
any standard application and all of the translation is handled by the ToolStick Base Adapter.  
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7. Additional Demo Example  
In addition to the F321DC_FeaturesDemo example firmware, the ToolStick download package also includes a  
demo project named F321DC_HIDMouse.wsp. The instructions for running this demo can be found at the top of  
the source file. The project and source files for these demos can be found in the folder,  
8. Using the C8051F321 Daughter Card as a Development Platform  
The prototyping area on the ToolStick C8051F321 Daughter Card makes it easy to interface to external hardware.  
All of the digital I/O pins are available so it possible to create a complete system.  
8.1. C8051F321 Pin Connections  
It is important to note that if external hardware is being added, some of the existing components on the board can  
interfere with the signaling. The following is a list of port pins on the C8051F321 that are connected to other  
P0.0, P0.1—These pins are connected directly to the ToolStick Base Adapter's GPIO pins. By default, these  
GPIO pins on the Base Adapter are high-impedance pins so they will not affect any signaling. Configuring these  
pins on the Base Adapter to output pin or handshaking pins could affect signaling.  
P0.4, P0.5—These pins are connected directly to the ToolStick Base Adapter for UART communication.  
P1.7—This pin is connected to the output of the potentiometer. R5 (a 0 Ω resistor) can be removed to  
disconnect the potentiometer from the pin.  
P2.0—This pin is connected to the "S1" switch. The switch can be removed to disconnect it from the pin.  
P2.2—This pin is connected to the cathode of the green LED on the daughter card. The LED or the R2 resistor  
can be removed to disconnect the LED from the pin.  
8.2. C2 Pin Sharing  
On the C8051F321, the debug pins, C2CK, and C2D, are shared with the pins /RST and P3.0 respectively. The  
daughter card includes the resistors necessary to enable pin sharing which allow the /RST and P3.0 pins to be  
9. Information Locations  
Example source code is installed by default in the C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Firmware directory during  
ToolStick installation.  
Documentation for the ToolStick kit, including this User's Guide, can be found by default in the  
C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\Documentation and C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\F321DC\Documentation directories.  
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10. C8051F321 Daughter Card Schematic  
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Silicon Laboratories Inc.  
400 West Cesar Chavez  
Austin, TX 78701  
Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500  
Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669  
Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032  
The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice.  
Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from  
the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features  
or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, rep-  
resentation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability  
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation conse-  
quential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to  
support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where per-  
sonal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized ap-  
plication, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages.  
Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.  
Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.  
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